
Citizenship Status and Financial Aid Eligibility

Students that have been asked to provide the Office of Student Financial Aid (OSFA) with proof of their US citizenship or Department of Homeland Security (DHS) eligible non-citizen status must submit a copy of their original documentation through Patriot Forms or present their original documentation in person at the MSSC help desk.

Beginning October 15, 2021, OSFA introduced a new process by which students submit verification documents electronically. On this date, verification related paper forms have been removed from our website. All new and returning students must create a Patriot Forms account.

In Patriot Forms, students are able to:

  • Complete financial aid forms on phone, tablet, or computer.
  • Securely upload documents from any device.
  • E-sign documents—both student and parents!
  • Manage financial aid tasks online.
  • Receive automated reminders about outstanding tasks and next steps

If the Social Security Administration (SSA) did not confirm that you are a U.​S.​ citizen, you must provide documentation supporting the correction. You may appear in person with your original citizenship documentation to confirm the authenticity of the document. You may also complete the process online through Patriot Forms system.

When uploading the following eligible noncitizen documentation, you must provide both the front and back of the document:

  • I-94 Arrival-Departure Record (Paper Versions). If providing a printout from the DHS website, please include the entire printout
  • I-151 Alien Registration Receipt Card
  • I-551 Permanent Resident Card
  • US Passport

Due to federal regulations, your financial aid funds will not disburse or be applied to your bill until your documents are complete. The OSFA is unable to accept citizenship documents from family members on behalf of the student. With the exception of U.S. Passports, expired documents are not acceptable.  For additional information regarding citizenship, please visit: Student Aid Guide - Citizenship.

Eligible Citizenship Categories for Financial Aid

A student must be one of the following to be eligible to receive financial aid:

  • A U.S. citizen or national;
  • A U.S. permanent resident or other eligible noncitizen;
  • A citizen of the Freely Associated States: the Federated States of Micronesia and the Republics of Palau and the Marshall Islands. These students can only receive aid from some of the financial aid programs.

Documentation Required

Ineligible Citizenship Categories for Financial Aid

If you are unsure whether or not you fall into one of the eligible categories you can bring any documentation to the Office of Student Financial Aid for review. Students who do not have their citizenship confirmed on the FAFSA by the Department of Homeland Security will be required to submit valid documentation to the Office of Student Financial Aid before any financial aid can be awarded.