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Scholarship is valued as a core characteristic of Mason graduates, and the Office of Student Scholarship, Creative Activities, and Research (OSCAR) helps prepare students for the world through undergraduate research and creative activities.
The Water is Wide, and High
As climate change brings rising water and floods, much of it laced with pollution, better and faster ways to monitor and clean stormwater are needed. George Mason is part of a national $1.3 million environmental project, funded by the Dominion Foundation. One participant is civil engineering major Renee Nmair, who is working on the project as a summer intern with funding from the Office of Student Scholarship, Creative Activities, and Research. “It’s giving me a lot of hands-on experience.”
Bodies in Motion
George Mason University junior Hannah King realized her love of dance at a young age. By age 15 she had choreographed nine pieces. During the fall semester, King worked on her most challenging piece yet—a choreographic study of dependency, isolation and perpetual motion. With the help of a grant offered by the university’s Office of Scholarship, Creative Activities, and Research, King was given the perfect opportunity to further explore her passion for choreography. “I have found that there is much more of a science to creating a successful piece than I had realized before,” says King.
Making a National Mark
George Mason University OSCAR Fellow Leah Bruch’s abstract on sexual behavior on college campuses was chosen from more than 4,000 submissions to be presented at the National Conference on Undergraduate Research at the University of Kentucky in Lexington. “I was admittedly excited to see that my abstract had been selected,” says Bruch. She has been working on the project for two years with her faculty advisor, Joshua G. Rosenberger of the Department of Global and Community Health in George Mason’s College of Health and Human Services.
Eyes on the Skies
Jenna Zink keeps her eye on the sun, watching for solar assaults as our nearest star uses the Earth for target practice, knocking out satellites and power grids with direct hits. The George Mason University senior is interning at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center and is studying space weather. An Honors College student, Zink also is part of the “Students as Scholars” initiative through Mason’s Office of Student Scholarship, Creative Activities, and Research and is an OSCAR fellow.