Podcast — EP 65: James Baldwin’s insights on American life and identity


In his essay, "As Much Truth as One Can Bear," James Baldwin writes, "not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced." It's a timeless quote, one that feels as relevant now in 2025 as it did in 1962. 

On this episode of Access to Excellence, Distinguished University Professor Keith Clark, joins President Gregory Washington to discuss the literary journey of James Baldwin and his reflections on his life of courage and wisdom as he studied the human experience.  

"James Baldwin in one of his early essays, talked about America having, you know, too many Americans being guilty of the crime of nostalgia. And so he understood that while it was important to look back, and we must look back, but we also must use the looking back as a way to propel us forward...Looking at that history as a way to move into a future that is more about connectivity and connection and mutual progress, right? And so I think these writers would have us understand that we have to look at the past, but we can't be stuck in that past, and that past has to be used as a vehicle for moving us forward." — Keith Clark