Podcast - EP 49: The metaverse, crypto, and the evolution of the internet


What exactly is the metaverse? Some say it is the future of the internet — a broad shift in how we interact with technology, including new and more ways to collaborate in virtual worlds. 

Others say it creates even more infringements on privacy and creates chances for identity theft. Foteini Baldimtsi, an assistant professor in George Mason University’s Department of Computer Science, and James Casey, an associate professor in Mason’s Computer Game Design program, talk to Mason President Gregory Washington about what the metaverse is, and could be, and how the volatile world of cryptocurrency fits in. 

Fateini Baldimsti and James Casey in the WGMU studio to record episode 49 of the Access to Excellence podcast.
Foteini Baldimsti and James Casey join Mason president Gregory Washington in the studio to discuss the imprint the metaverse is making on society and our future in this episode of the Access to Excellence podcast. 
Photo: Cristian Torres / George Mason University

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