Affiliate Professor and Distinguished Senior Fellow, Schar School of Policy and Government
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Frank T. Manheim served as a senior ocean and earth scientist in the U.S. Geological Survey for 35 years. At USGS, his areas of expertise included marine geochemistry, scientific drilling expeditions, offshore mineral resources, coastal hydrology, and environmental studies of estuarine and coastal sediments and waters. He participated in interagency panels and helped initiate cooperative research projects spanning industry, universities and NSF, EPA, and international organizations. On leave from 1974-76, he served as chairman, Department of Marine Science, University of South Florida in St. Petersburg.
Upon retirement from USGS, Manheim joined George Mason University’s School of Public Policy (now the Schar School of Policy and Government) in 2003. His first major project at Mason was the origin of the conflict between environmentalists and industry in the United States. A book in 2009 reported that the unique U.S. conflict over environmental policy had roots in turbulent events of the 1960s and 1970s.
Manheim’s research has broadly explored U.S. policy history, including science agencies, environmental lawmaking, forest management policy, and renewable energy development. SSRN working papers revealed facets of Donald Trump’s background and strategies that the media overlooked. Five op-eds and newspaper articles were published in 2020 and 2021. An in-depth federal work-study research project on crime and policing in 50 Virginia communities was published in 2018.
Longstanding interest in African American educational history culminated in a forthcoming publication in cooperation with Black political science professor Shayla Nunnally. It reveals the existence of Black high schools of high quality throughout the South and border states prior to desegregation.
Curriculum Vitae
View Frank T. Manheim's CV
Affiliate Professor and Distinguished Research Fellow. School of Public Policy, George Mason University, 2003-present
Fil dr.* University of Stockholm, Sweden: marine geochemistry, 1974
Fil lic. University of Stockholm, Sweden:(equiv. PhD) marine geochemistry 1961
M.Sc. University of Minnesota: geology and geophysics, 1953
A.B. Harvard University: geology 1952
* Highest level degree, qualifying for appointment in Swedish universities
Research oceanographer and geochemist, U.S. Geological Survey(Dept. Interior), Woods Hole MA and Reston VA (1964-2002, except below)
Guest researcher, Institute for Geology and Paleontology, University of Kiel, Germany (1996)
Guest researcher, Marine Research Center, Warnemunde, Germany(1994)
Leader research project on U.S. ocean frontier at SUNY Stonybrook, NY, Olin foundation grant (1988-89)
Chairman and Professor, Dept. Marine Science, Univ. South FL (1974-76)[leave of absence from USGS]
Postdoc/research assistant in Dept. Geology, Yale University, 1963
Chemist in charge of iron ore analysis, Geochemical Laboratory, Geological Survey of Sweden, Stockholm (1961-62)
Petroleum geologist, Standard Vacuum Oil Co., Indonesia, India, 1956-58
- U.S. Geological Survey Superior Service Award, 2002
- U.S. Geological Survey Star Award for minority recruitment, 2001
- Pettersson Medal for Excellence in Ocean Research, Royal Swedish Academy of Science, 1999
- Member, U.S. Japan Natural Resource Commission, 1993-96
- NAS Advisory Panel on USSR and Eastern Europe 1986-89
- Guest lecturer, Metal Mining Agency of Japan and Japanese offshore mining consortium, Tokyo, 1986
- Guest of Academy of Science, USSR, Institute of Oceanology 1982
- Key to City of St. Petersburg FL (Service as environmental member of City Planning Commission) 1976
- USSR Exchange Committee on Marine Pollution (visit to Soviet Union,1974, sponsored by USEPA and State Department)
- NAS Exchange Fellow, Bulgaria, 1972
Manheim, Frank T., “Fateful Collision: How Revolutionary Environmental Laws of the 1970s Led to a Rift in U.S. Society”, 2022, revision of Manheim, “Transformation. . . “ 2020, in submission to journal.
Manheim, Frank T. “How the United States Fell Behind in Climate Leadership”: The National Interest, May 1, 2022.
Manheim, Frank T. and Shayla C. Nunnally, “Black High Schools of High Quality Prior to Desegregation”, Journal of Negro Education. Forthcoming.
Manheim, Frank T., “Transformation of Congressional Lawmaking by the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1970 and Its Effects” October 6, 2020. C. Boyden Gray Center for the Study of the Administrative State Research Paper.
Manheim, Frank. “Information pollution and academic leadership in America”. Proceedings of the Inaugural Leading Change Conference 2019: Interdisciplinary Perspectives in Leadership Studies, James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA, 2019, 24 p.
Manheim, Frank T., Tim Bullock, and Jahtanya Scott, “Police departments and crime status in Virginia communities: An assessment from the citizen perspective”. Schar School of Policy and Government Report, 2018.
Taborn, Tyler.[reporting article by Manheim, Frank T. and Eckhard Hellmuth] “Another Hidden Figure: Black Kids Killed in Science”: U.S. Black Engineer, May 11, 2017.
Manheim, Frank T., Book Review: The transportation experience, by William L. Garrison, David M. Levinson 2014, Oxford University Press. pub. in Journal of Planning Education and Research, June 2016; v. 36.
Manheim, F.T. “International biomass production and policies in leading nations”: European Biomass Conference, Section 4CV.2.17, p. 1572-1576 (2015).
Manheim, Frank T. “A brief history of United States forest management policy”. In Forestry. forest, and wood technology of the Ukraine, edited by V. Dudok, V. Lentiakov & L. Myklash (Volume 36, 7p).
Lviv, Ukraine: National University of Forestry and Wood Technology of the Ukraine, 2010. Also available at SSRN.
Manheim, F.T., The conflict over environmental regulation in the United States: origin, outcomes and comparisons with the EU, Springer, 321 p., 2009
Manheim, Frank T. 2008."Talk Without Yelling: Review of Earth: The Sequel. The Race to Reinvent Energy and Stop Global Warming, by Fred Krupp and Miriam Horn. Norton, New York, 2008, pub. In Science magazine v 322. (5900)
Manheim, Frank T. and Eckhard Hellmuth. 2006. “Achievers obscured by history”. U.S. Black Engineer, June-July 2006
Manheim, F.T., 2006. U.S. “A new look at mining and the environment: Finding common Ground”: Geotimes. April, p. 18-22, feature article with online references.
Manheim, F.T.,2004, U.S. Offshore Oil Industry: New perspectives on an old conflict, Geotimes December 2004, p. 26-28, with online references.
Manheim, Frank T., The University of Minnesota's Earth Science in the Early 1950s; Academic Science Then and Now (July 13, 2022).
Manheim, Frank T. and Shayla C. Nunnally ( 2021), “Black High Schools of High Quality Prior To Desegregation.”
Manheim, Frank T. “The Systematic White Racism Theory Is Not a Pathway for Progress” (August15, 2020).
Manheim, Frank T., Political Science and Practical Politics, a National Dilemma (March 8, 2018).
Manheim, Frank T., How Donald Trump's 'Jekyll and Hyde' Campaign Revealed Weaknesses in American Society (November 8, 2016).
Manheim, Frank T., Underestimated Strategies Beneath Candidate Donald Trump’s Presidential Campaign (*October 15, 2015).
Manheim, Frank T., A New Classification of U.S. Environmental Laws (April 3, 2014).
Manheim, Frank T., A 19th Century French Observer Sheds Light on America’s Unstable Politics (February 4, 2014).
Manheim, Frank T., Howard Baker on Nonpartisan vs. Bipartisan Legislation (July 17, 2014)
Manheim, Frank T., Political Science and Practical Politics, a National Dilemma (March 8, 2018).
Manheim, Frank T., How Donald Trump's 'Jekyll and Hyde' Campaign Revealed Weaknesses in American Society (November 8, 2016).
Manheim, Frank T., Underestimated Strategies Beneath Candidate Donald Trump’s Presidential Campaign (*October 15, 2015)
Manheim, Frank T., A New Classification of U.S. Environmental Laws (April 3, 2014).
Manheim, Frank T., A 19th Century French Observer Sheds Light on America’s Unstable Politics (February 4, 2014).
Manheim, Frank T., Howard Baker on Nonpartisan vs. Bipartisan Legislation (July 17, 2014)
Manheim, Frank T., An Overview of Trade Books That Warned of the 2008 Real Estate and Financial Meltdown (March 14, 2013); Available at
America’s politics may not be as hopeless as we think, Oct. 6, 2021
“Before desegregation, Black Kansas City high schools dominated in science awards”, Frank T. Manheim, Kansas City Star, Guest Commentary. May 28, 2021,
“Why most federal laws are flawed — and precious few succeed”. The Hill Magazine, April 6, 2021
“The Four Horsemen of Green Energy Development”. The Hill Magazine, Feb.23, 2021.
“Low Taxes on corporations and higher taxes on the execs who run them could” The Hill Magazine, Dec. 7, 2020.
Manheim has been a reviewer since 1988.
2022, Adaptiveness (Siebenhuener, Bernd, and Rijante Djalante) Choice Magazine V. 59, Issue 10
2022, Scientific History (Aronova, F.A.) Choice Magazine v. 59, Issue 9
2021, Excessive Maritime Claims (Roach, J. Ashley) Choice Magazine v. 59, Issue 4 2021, Conserving the Oceans (Alger, Justin) Choice Magazine v. 59, Issue 3
2021 Durable by Design? (Jordan, Andrew) Choice Magazine, v. 59, Issue 2 2021, Declaring Disaster (Kneeland, Timothy W.) Choice Magazine, v. 59 2021, World Oceans (Newton, David E.) Choice Magazine, v. 59, Issue 1 2021, Future Sea (Wright, Deborah Rowan) Choice Magazine, v. 58, Issue 11
2021, Arctic Governance (Rottem, Svein Vigeland and Ida Folkestad Soltvedt), Choice Magazine, v. 58, Issue 10
2020, Abalone (Vileisis, Ann) Choice Magazine, v. 58, Issue 7
2020, Regime interaction in ocean governance Trevisanut, Seline; Nikolaos Giannopoulos, and Rozemarijn Roland Holst Choice Magazine, V.58, Issue 6
2020, Beyond polarization Yaffee, Steven Lewis Choice Magazine, v. 58, Issue 6 2020, Red gold . Jennifer Telesca Choice Magazine, v. 58, Issue
2020, Blue legalities (Braverman, Irus, and Elizabeth R. Johnson), Choice Magazine, v. 57, Issue 11
2020, Interactions in the marine benthos (Stephen J. Hawkins et al.), Choice Magazine, v. 57, Issue 9
2020, Climate change scepticism (Greg Garrard, Axel Goodbody , George B. Handley and Stephanie Posthumous), Choice Magazine, v. 56, Issue 12
2019, Science in Moscow (Hargittai, István), Choice Magazine, v. 57, Issue 8 2019, The outlaw ocean (Urbina, Ian ), Choice Magazine, v. 57 Issue 6
2019, Strategic climate change communications (Fessmann, Jaspar), Choice Magazine, v. 57, Issue 4
2019, The scientific attitude (McIntyre, Lee C. ), Choice Magazine, v. 57, Issue 2
2019, Anti-science and the assault on democracy; defending reason in a free society(Thompson, Michael J. , Gregory Smulewicz-Zucker, eds.), Choice Magazine, v. 56, Review No. 3570
2019, Exploring apocalyptica; coming to terms with environmental alarmism (Uekotter, Frank.),Choice Magazine, v. 56, Review No. 2796
2018, Why good people do bad environmental things (DeSombre, Elizabeth R.), Choice Magazine, v. 56, Review No. 1533
2018, Sustaining Lake Superior; an extraordinary lake in a changing world (Langston, Nancy),Choice Magazine, v. 55, Review No. 3626
2018, Environmental governance reconsidered; challenges, choices, and opportunities (Durant, Robert F., Daniel J. Fiorino, Rosemary O'Leary, eds.), Choice Magazine, v. 55, Review No. 3222
2018, Making the most of the Anthropocene; facing the future, (Denny, Mark), Choice Magazine, v. 55, Review No. 3220
Manheim, Frank T. “Trump’s Books“. Annual Conference, Midwest Political Science Association (April 9, 2022)
Nunnally, Shayla C. and Frank T. Manheim. “High-quality Black high Schools Prior To Desegregation and Their Role in the Education of Leaders in the Civil Rights Campaign”. Annual Conference, American Political Science Association (Sept. 21-24, 2021)
Nunnally, Shayla C., Frank T. Manheim, Savannah Brown, and Maria Takele. “The Buried History of Black High Schools Prior to Desegregation: Their Role in Preparing Leaders of the Post World War II Civil Rights Campaign. Annual Conference, Midwest Political Science Association (April 9, 2021).
Manheim, Frank T. “Transformation of Congressional lawmaking by the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1970 and its Effects.” Roundtable for C. Boyden Gray Center for the Study of the Administrative State’s project on “First Branch, Second Thoughts – What Is Congress’s Proper Role in the State, And How Should It Be Reformed to Achieve That Role?”, Sept. 11, 2020
Manheim, Frank T. “Effective political strategies that did not yield favorable outcomes: a case study of Francis Keppel’s role in transforming American education in the Kennedy and Johnson administrations”, Annual Conference, Midwest Political Science Association, April 6, 2019
“U.S. Pipeline Policy: History and Recent Developments”, Lecture to Chinese delegation, Schar School of Policy, and Government, Nov. 13, 2018.
“The Buried Origin of Environmental and Political Polarization in the U.S.” Lecture Harvard Club of Washington D.C., Nov. 12, 2018
“Science Education Proficiency of Kansas City’s African American High Schools in the Era of Segregation”, 58th Annual Missouri Conference on History, Mar. 9-11, 2016, Columbia Missouri, Session on African Americans and Education in Greater Kansas City .
Manheim, F.T., and J. Force. “Rankings and Trends In Biomass Production And Their Relationship To Renewable Energy Policies Of Leading Nations.” European Biomass Conference, Vienna, Austria; June 2-7, 2015.
Manheim, F.T. Roundtable Participant, “Challenges to the University in the New Economic Climate.” Midwest Political Science Association Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, April 2015.
Manheim, F.T. “A New Gilded Age? Comparative Assessment of Current Sociopolitical Conditions and those in the 19th Century Gilded Age.” Midwest Political Science Association Annual Conference, Chicago IL, April 2015.
Manheim, F.T. “A New Classification of Environmental Laws.” Midwest Political Science Association Annual Conference, Chicago IL, April 2014.
Manheim, F.T. “A tale of two chemistry departments – American and Swedish” Poster at Translatlantic Forum for Science, Innovation and Higher Education, Carnegie Institution for Science, Washington D.C. October 19, 2010 (Sponsored by Norwegian Research Council and Norwegan Academy of Science and Letters).
Manheim, F.T. and C.L. McNeely. “A Different Focus on African American Education: Legacies of Institutional Excellence.” 35thAnnual Meeting of the Social Science History Association. Chicago IL, 2010.
Manheim, F.T. “The other side of the coin: basic research in U.S. universities.” Elements (International Magazine of Mineralogy, Geochemistry, and Petrology) 6, No. 5 (210), 276.
Manheim, F.T., 2008. A new curricular approach to environmental policy. National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration (NASPAA), Panel Discussion, Charleston SC., Oct. 18, 2008
2003-Completed comprehensive database for Atlantic Margin sediments in Microsoft ACCESS with programmed user interface. CD distributed to Minerals Management Service and MS, other agencies.
2000-2002 First estuarine use of horizontal resistivity surveying as rapid method to map submarine discharge of fresh water from Mid-Atlantic coastal bays (Rehoboth, Indian River, Chincoteague, etc). Revealed submarine discharge up to 1 km distant from shore contributing nutrients to bays, i.e., creeks and rivers are not the only source of nutrients, and plantings along banks will not deal with excess nutrients delivered through submarine discharge.
1998-2002 (with Laura Hayes)-Completed comprehensive chemical database and regional environmental study of Lake Pontchartrain and Lower Mississippi River basin. Demonstrated that elevated metal content and other contaminants were restricted to canal outlet areas adjacent to New Orleans. Helped resolve SAVE OUR BAY concerns and potential EPA suit against New Orleans. (Professional Paper 1634, CD-ROM; 2002).
1996-Joined Lake Pontchartrain project under leadership of Jeff Williams. Prepared historic interactive atlas of environment of Lake Pontchartrain (with Chris Polloni).
1990-1996 With J.C. Hathaway, developed first comprehensive chemical database for contaminated sediments in Boston Harbor from all available data sources. Used innovative systems to control data quality so that data could be integrated to produce maps and detailed comparisons to identify pollutant sources and other properties. Continued database development in Boston Harbor and Gulf of Maine with other cooperators (Marilyn Buchholtz ten Brink, Michael Bothner.
1989-90 Participated in Gulf Stream cruise of U.S. Navy nuclear research submarine NR1, revealing habitat of wreckfish population in labyrinthine phosphorite pavement deposits
1986-1992 Led cooperative project with USGS, Georgia Geological Survey and scientists that discovered potentially mineable phosphorite-rich sediments on shelf off Georgia.
1989 Completed comprehensive database on worldwide distribution of composition of cobalt- rich crusts in ocean for MMS; prepared maps of chemical composition that delineated high- cobalt areas. Wrote paper published in Nature 1988, showing that chemical composition of crusts could be used as a pathfinder to map and identify location of submarine discharge.
1982 Participated in German cruise to Mid-Pacific area that discovered cobalt-rich ferromanganese crusts on slopes of seamounts, including Johnson Island area (U.S. EEZ).Wrote Interior Dept, proposal to support USGS cooperative cruises to map composition (with James Hein, USGS Menlo Park). This led to EIS and proposed MMS lease sales for Johnson Island sector.
1980 Published report on extent, composition, and origin of ferromanganese and phosphorite deposits on the Blake Plateau off Georgia-South Carolina. Showed the phosphorite plates (phosphorite ore) covered 1400 km2 of sea floor in this area.
1979 Participated in Interior Dept. Offshore Hard Mineral Assessment Project (leader - Harold Hess). My part was review of Atlantic and Gulf ocean bottom sediments. My studies revealed cobalt and nickel-rich ferromanganese deposits which oil company patents demonstrated could serve as catalyst (in lieu of the more expensive metal, platinum) for removal of sulfur from petroleum.
1976 As Chairman of the Department of Marine Science, University of South Florida, wrote scientific summary of comprehensive offshore MAFLA (Mississippi-Alabama-Florida) baseline research for 13-University consortium, applied to offshore oil and gas leases.
1976 Led design and preparation for interstitial water extraction and analysis on USGS Atlantic shelf core drilling operation in 1976. This major cooperative study revealed presence of fresh and brackish water under entire Atlantic shelf of U.S. Some of this effect was attributable to exposure of the shelf to meteoric water influx during glacial maximum, when sea level was up to 130 m. lower than at present (Science article, 1979).
1976 Participated in Black Sea Drilling cruise, discovered increases in interstitial salt content in sediments with depth - revealing earlier evaporite (dried salt) phase of Black Sea history. With cooperator David Bury discovered Black Sea carbonate-rich sediments were made up of coccoliths (microscopic planktonic organisms).
1974 Developed resistivity probe to measure diffusion coefficient of salt and formation factor in sediments. Publication Manheim and Waterman.
1974 Participated in Red Sea drilling cruises that identified heavy metal deposits and hot brines in center of sea. Pore water measurements revealed salt gradient to anhydrite and rock salt at depth.
1970-1976 With F. Sayles (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution) led interstitial water studies on all NSF-sponsored Deep Sea Drilling legs from 1 through 24; opening up basic knowledge of chemical composition of ocean pore waters.
1970 Reported first synoptic study of distribution of particulate matter in surface waters along Atlantic coast, using calibrated membrane filter technique. (Science magazine article).
1969 Detected diffusion gradients of salt from submarine salt domes in the northern Gulf of Mexico slope. First definitive means of confirming salt composition of diapers by analysis of overlying sediments (with J.L. Bischoff).
1968 Using pore water analyses discovered fresh water more than 120 km seaward of the Florida coast at 120 m depth beneath sea floor: interpreted as submarine discharge through seaward extension of the Floridian Aquifer (Manheim and Horn, 1968, Southeastern Geology).
1965 Published summary of distribution of ferromanganese oxide deposits in freshwater lakes and ocean floor.
1967-Developed innovative stainless steel squeezer to efficiently extract pore fluids from ocean sediments. Methodology continued to be used subsequently as standard equipment on all ocean drilling expeditions up to the present.
- Krantz, David E.; Manheim, Frank T., Bratton, John F., and Phelan, Daniel T., Setting and Ground Water Flow Beneatha Section of Indian River bay, Delaware, Ground Water, v. 42, Special issue on discharge to estuaries/oceans, December2004.
- Bratton, John F., Böhlke, John-Karl, Manheim, Frank T. and Krantz, David E., Ground Water beneath Coastal Bays of the Delmarva Peninsula: Ages and Nutrients, Ground Water, v. 42, Special issue on discharge to estuaries/oceans, December 2004.
- Manheim, Frank T., Krantz, David E. and Bratton, John F., 2004, Studying Ground Water Under Delmarva Coastal Bays Using Electrical Resistivity, Ground Water, v. 42, Special issue on discharge to the oceans.
- Manheim, F.T., and Hayes, L, Database development and geochemical assessment, and of surficial sediments in the Lake Pontchartrain Basin, Louisiana: Journal of Coastal Research, 120 p. ms [reviewed and accepted; part of submission of dedicated issue on Lake Pontchartrain Basin]
- Manheim, F.T., and Hayes, L., 2002, Lake Pontchartrain Basin Sediments: Bottom Sediments and Related Environmental Resources; with Land View implementation by E.J. McFaul. U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1634, CD-ROM(540 mb).
- Manheim, F.T., Chirico, P., Blair, J.L., Gebert, J.A., and Krantz, D.E., Topography, historical bathymetry, and surface sediments of Rehoboth and Indian River Bays, DE: USGS Geological Investigations Map; scale 1:65,000, 1:54,000. [Reviewed; awaiting final map revisions for publication],
- Manheim, F.T., Krantz, D.E., Snyder, D.S., and Sturgis, B., Streamer Resistivity Surveys in Delmarva Peninsula-Coastal Bays: Society for Applied Environmental and Engineering Geophysics (SAGEEP) Symposium 2002, Paper GL 13, 17 p.
- Popenoe, P., and Manheim, F.T., 2001, Origin and history of the Charleston Bump- geological formations, currents, bottom conditions, and their relationship to Wreckfish habitats on the Blake Plateau, in Sedberry, G.R., ed., Island in the Stream- Oceanography and Fisheries of the Charleston Bump: American Fisheries Society, p.43-94.
- Buchholtz ten Brink, M.R., Manheim, F.T, Mecray, E.L., Farrington, J.W., Fredette, T.J., Jones, S.H., Liebman, M.L., Larsen, P.E, Smith, L.W., Tripp, B.W., Wallace, G.T., Jr., Ward, L.G., Hastings, M.E., and Reid, J.M., 2000, Contaminated-sediments database for the Gulf of Maine-interpretive material for website: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 00-007.
- Buchholtz ten Brink, M.R., Mecray, E.L., and Manheim, F.T., 1999, Database of contaminated sediments for the Gulf of Maine: U.S. Geological Survey Information Sheet, March 1999.
- Manheim, F.T.,Buchholtz ten Brink, M.R., and Mecray, E.L., 1999, Contaminated-sediment database development and assessment in Boston Harbor: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet FS-078-99, March 1999, 3 figures.
- Hein, J.R., Koschinsky, A., Bau, M., Manheim F.T., Kang, J.-K., and Roberts, L, 1999, Cobalt-rich ferromanganese crusts in the Pacific, In Cronan, D.S., ed., Handbook of Marine Mineral Deposits: CRC Press, Boca Raton, London, p. 239-279.
- Butman, B., Bothner, M.H., Knebel, H.J., Manheim, F.T., and Buchholtz ten Brink, M.R., 1999, Predicting the fate of sediments and associated contaminants in Massachusetts Coastal Waters, in Trulli, H.K., Coniaris, C., and Carroll, S.R., editors: Outfall Monitoring Science Advisory Panel Technical Workshop 1999, CD-ROM, Massachusetts Water Resources Authority, Report ENQUAD ms-57.Boston, Mass., p. 6-9.
- Manheim, F.T.,Hayes, L., and Mclntire, A.G.,1998. Regional database compilation and geochemical assessment of bottom sediments, in Manheim, F.T., Regional Database Compilation and Geochemical Assessment of Bottom Sediments: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 98-805.
- Manheim, F.T., Buchholtz ten Brink, M.R, and Mecray, E.L., 1998, Recovery and validation of historical sediment quality data from coastal and estuarine areas: an integrated approach: Journal of Geochemical Exploration (81b International Symposium on Environmental Geochemistry Special volume), v. 64, p. 377-393.
- Poppe, L.J., Hastings, M.E., DiGiacomo-Cohen, M.L., Manheim, F.T., and Mlodzinska, Z.J., 1998, Surficial sediment database, in L.J. Poppe, and C. Polloni, eds., Long Island Sound Environmental Studies: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 98-502, Chapter 3. CD-ROM.
- Polloni, C., McFaul, E.J., Manheim, F.T., and Hayes, L, 1998, Development and interactive electronic publications: in U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 98-805, CD-ROM.
- Manheim, F.T., Lane-Bostwick, C.M., and Gryc, G., 1998,Ferromanganese crusts; Mineral- resources map of the Circum-Pacific region; Antarctic sheet: U.S. Geological Survey Circum-Pacific Map Series CP, 11 p.
- Manheim, F.T., 1998 (editor), Lake Pontchartrain Basin-Bottom sediments and regional scientific and educational resources: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report98-805, CD-ROM, CD-ROM and Web site, 11 chapters plus Database and Assessment.
- Bothner, M.H., Buchholtz ten Brink, M.R, and Manheim FT. 1998, Metal concentrations in surface sediments of Boston Harbor - changes with time: Marine Environmental Research, v. 45, no. 2, p. 127-155.
- Manheim. F.T., and Buchholtz ten Brink, M., 1997. Mapping chemical contaminants in estuarine and coastal marine sediments-new approaches to validating and using historical data; Proceedings 4th International Symposium on Environmental Geochemistry: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 97-496, 59 p.
- Manheim, F.T., Flowers, G.C., Mclntire, A.G., Margot, M. and Holmes, C., 1997, Environmental geochemistry and sediment quality in Lake Pontchartrain: Database development and review: Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions, v. 47, p. 337-349.
- Kenwood, C., Manheim, F.T., Polloni, C.F., and Williams, S.J.,1997, An environmental and geological bibliography for Lake Pontchartrain, Louisiana: U.S. Geological Survey Open- File Report96-527, CD-ROM, 4 p.
- Manheim, F.T., Buchholtz tenBrink. M.R., and Hathaway, J.C., 1997, Recovery and validation of historical data from contaminated sediments in coastal waters: The Boston Harbor contaminated sediment database: Contribution to Workshop documentation. National Research Council, Commission on Engineering & Technical Assistance, Washington D.C., Natl. Acad. Science and Natl. Acad. Engineering (irregular pagination; total book 295 p.).
- Hein, J.R, Koschinsky, A., Haibach, P.E., Manheim F.T.,Bau, M., Kang, J.-K., and Lubick, N., 1997, Iron and manganese oxide mineralization in the Pacific; Manganese mineralization; geochemistry and mineralogy of terrestrial and marine deposits: Geological Society Special Publications, London, v. 119.
- Buchholtz tenBrink, M.R., Manheim, F.T., Bothner, M.H., 1996, Contaminants in the Gulf of Maine: What's here and should we worry?, in D. Dowand G. Braasch, Ed., The Health of the Gulf of Maine Ecosystem: Cumulative Impacts and Multiple Stressors, in D, Dow and G. Braasch, Ed. published by the Regional Association for Research in the Gulf of Maine, Hanover New Hampshire; RARGOM Report 96-1, 180 p. plus appendices, p. 1- 115.
- Hein, J.R., Koschinsky, A., Bau, M., Manheim, F.T., Kang, J.K., and Roberts, L, 1997, Cobalt-rich ferromanganese crustsin the Pacific. In Nicholson, K., Hein, J.R., Buehn, B., and Dasgupta, S., eds., Manganese Mineralization: Geochemistry and Mineralogy of Terrestrial and Marine Deposit. Geological Society, Special Publications, v. 119. p. 123- 138, 6 tables.
- Manheim, F.T., 1996, A review of SEAREX, the Sea-Air Exchange Program, with comments on the preservation and availability of data from large earth-science research programs, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 60:12, p. 5160-5163.
- Palfreyman, W.D., Doutch, H.F., Brathwaite, R.L., Kamitani, M., Piper, D.Z., Swint-lki, T.R., McCoy, F.W., Sullivan, L.G., Manheim, F.T., and Lane-Bostwick, C.M., 1996, Mineral- resources map of the Circum-Pacific region, southwest quadrant: U.S. Geological Survey Circum-Pacific Map Series CP-.
- Corvalan, D.J., Guild, P.W., Piper, D.D., Swint-lki, T.R., McCoy, F.W., Sullivan, L.G., Manheim E.l.., Lane-Bostwick, C.M., and Luepke,G., 1996, Mineral-resources map of the Circum-Pacific region, southeast quadrant: U.S. Geological Survey Map Circum- Pacific Map Series CP.
- Buchholtz ten Brink, M.R., Manheim, F.T., and Bothner, M.H., 1996, Contaminants in the Gulf of Maine-what's here and should we worry?p. 1-115, in Dow, D., and Braasch, G., eds., The Health of the Gulf of Maine Ecosystem-Cumulative Impacts and Multiple Stressors, Workshop Report: Regional Association for Research on the Gulf of Maine (RARGOM) Report 96-1, 180 p.
- Hein, J.R., Koschinsky, A., Haibach,P., Manheim, F.T., Bau, M., Kang, J.-K., and Lubick, N., 1995, Iron and manganese oxide mineralization in the Pacific, in Nicholson, K. et al, Eds., Manganese Mineralization: Geochemistry and mineralogy of terrestrial and marine deposits: London, Geological Society Publishing House, p. 16 p. in ms plus figures & tables.
- Popenoe, P., and Manheim ,F.T., 1995, New discoveries on the Blake Plateau-steep scarps, anomalous current systems, and resolution of the "Aluminaut" freshwater discharge riddle: Southeastern Geology, 32 p. (12 figs.).
- Manheim, F.T., and Butman, B., 1994, Boston Harbor: A crisis in Waste Management and Urban Economic Viability: GSA Today, v. 4:6, v. 4:6, p. 197-199.
- Bothner, M.H., Buchholtzten Brink, M., Butman, B., Knebel, H.J., Manheim, F.T., and Signell, R.P., 1994, Circulation and contaminant transport in Massachusetts coastal waters: A summary of achievements and future plans: U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report 94-649: U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report, v. 94-649, p. 43.
- Manheim, F.T., Brooks, E.G., and Winters, W.J., 1994, Description of a hydraulic sediment squeezer: U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report 94-584: U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report, v. 94-584, p. 39.
- Herring, J.R., Manheim F.T., Bretz, B., and Briggs, P.H., 1994, Major and trace elements determined by inductively-coupled plasma spectroscopy with special emphasis on phosphatic horizons in bulk and size fractions of Neogene sediment samples from Boreholes GAT-90, Tybee Island, and GAS90-2, Skidaway Island, Georgia: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 94-008, 21 p.
- Herring, J.R., Manheim F.T., Bretz, B., and Briggs, P.B., 1994, Major and trace elements determined by inductively-coupled plasma spectroscopy and visual estimates of phosphate and other minerals in Neogene sediments, with special emphasis on phosphatic horizons, from the Georgia Continental Shelf -TACTS boreholes A,C,E,F and G: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 94-009,22 p.
- Buchholtz ten Brink, M.R, Manheim, F.T., Soderberg, N.K., and Hathaway, J.C., 1994, Data nod information management at the Branch of Atlantic Marine Geology and the contaminated-sediment database, in D. K. Phelps et al, eds., Gulf of Maine Data and Information Systems-Workshop Proceedings, 2-3 November1993: Regional Association for Research on the Gulf of Maine (RARGOM) Report 93-1, p. 80-106.
- Bothner, M.H., Buchholtzten Brink, M.R., Butman, B., Knebel, H.J., Manheim, F.T., and Signell, RP., 1994, Circulation and contaminant transport in Massachusetts coastal waters-achievements and future plans: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 94- 649, 43 p.
- Popenoe, P., and Manheim, F.T., 1993, Geology, stratigraphy, mineral resources and chemical composition of phosphatic sediments underlying the continental shelf and slope off Georgia, in National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Coastal Ocean Program Southeast United States Coastal Workshop: U.S. Department of Commerce, Special Publication, p. 80-81.
- Manheim, F.T., Hathaway, J.C., B. ten Brink, M., 1992, Compiling Sediment and Pollutant Data bases from the Historical Record; Results of Pilot Studies from the Boston Harbor- Massachusetts Bay Program, Proc. of the EPA's Contaminated Sediment Management Strategy Forums, Paper, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency EPA 823-92- 007, p. 28-34.
- Manheim, F.T., 1992, The Legacy of Contaminated Sediments in Boston Harbor, Public Issues in Energy and Marine Geology, U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S, Geological Survey (Fact Sheet).
- Butman, B., Bothner, M.H., Hathaway, J.C., Jenter, H.L., Knebel, H.J., Manheim F.T. and Signell, R.P., 1992, Contaminant transport and accumulation in Massachusetts Bay and Boston Harbor - a summary of U.S. Geological Survey studies: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 92-202, 42 p.
- Herring, J.R., and Manheim, F.T., 1992, Chemical composition of the sediments, in Manheim, F.T., 1992 (ed.), Geologic, Stratigraphic Relationships and Phosphatic Drill cores (TACTS Boreholes) from the Continental Shelf off Georgia: USGS Open-File Report 92-176, p. 102-123.
- Manheim, F.T., and Herring, J.R, 1992, Texture, Origin and Significance of Pellets, in Manheim, F.T.,1992 (ed.), Geologic, Stratigraphic Relationships and Phosphatic Drill cores (TACTS Boreholes) from the Continental Shelf off Georgia: USGS Open-File Report 92-176, p. 81-101.
- Manheim, F.T., Huddlestun, P.E, and Da Silva, J.L., 1992, Ch. 3, in Manheim, F.T. , 1992 (ed.), Geologic, Stratigraphic Relationships and Phosphatic Drill cores (TACTS Boreholes) from the Continental Shelf off Georgia: USGS Open-File Report92-176, p. 25-80.
- Manheim, F.T., 1992 (ed.), Geologic, Stratigraphic Relationships and Phosphatic Drill cores (TACTS Boreholes) from the Continental Shelf off Georgia: USGS Open-File Report 92- 202, 217 p. See also Dept, of Natural Resources, Environmental Protection Division, Georgia Geologic Survey, Project Report No. 17.
- Poppe, L.J., Manheim, F.T., and Popenoe, P., 1992, Late Cretaceous Miocene-age phosphatic sediments in the Georges Bank Basin, U.S. North Atlantic Outer Continental shelf: Marine Geology, v. 107, p. 227-238.
- Manheim, F.T., Huddlestun, P.E, and Da Silva, J.L.,1992, Lithostratigraphy of TACTS cores A.-H, J-l, and Drillhole 6002, including optical estimates of phosphorite pellet concentrations, in Manheim F T , ed., Geology, stratigraphic relationships and phosphatic drill cores (TACTS Boreholes) from the Continental Shelf off Georgia: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 92-176, p. 25-80.
- Manheim, F.T., Hathaway, J.C., and Buchholtz ten Brink, M.R.,1992, Compiling sediment and pollutant databases from the historical record; results of pilot studies from the Boston Harbor Massachusetts Bay Program: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Conference on Polluted Sediment, Chicago, April 1992, p. 71-98.
- Manheim, F.T., and Herring, I.R, 1992, Location and core background data, in Manheim, F.T. (ed.), geology, stratigraphic relationships and phosphatic drill cores (TACTS Boreholes) on the Continental Shelf off Georgia: U.S Geological Survey Open-File Report 92-176,p. 4-24.
- Manheim, F.T., and Herring, I.R., 1992, Texture, origin and significance of pellets, in Manheim, F.T. , ed., Geology, stratigraphic relationships and phosphatic drill cores (TACTS Boreholes) from the Continental Shelf off Georgia: U.S. Geological Survey Open File-Report 92-176, p. 81-101.
- Manheim, F.T., (ed.) 1992, Geology, stratigraphic relationships, and phosphatic drill cores (TACTS Boreholes) from the Continental Shelf off Georgia:U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 92-176, 204 p.
- Herring, I.R, and Manheim, F.T.,1992, Chemical composition of the sediments, in Manheim, F.T., ed., Geology, stratigraphic relationships and phosphatic drill cores (TACTS Boreholes) from the Continental Shelf off Georgia: U.S. Geological Survey Open File- Report 92-176, p. 102-123.
- Butman, B., Bothner, M.H., Hathaway, J.C., Lenter, H.L., Knebel, H., Manheim, F.T., and Signell, R.P., 1992, Contaminant transport and accumulation in Massachusetts Bay and Boston Harbor; a summary of U.S. Geological Survey studies: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 92-202, 43 p.
- Popenoe, P., and Manheim FT. 1991, Phosphorite deposits of the Blake Plateau as observed from the NR-I Submarine and DELTS submersible; U.S. Geological Survey Research on Mineral Resources -1991: U.S. Geological Survey Circular C 1062, p. 61- 63.
- Herring, I.R, Manheim, F.T., Farrell, K., Huddlestun, P.F., and Bretz, B., 1991, Size analysis, visual estimation of phosphate and other minerals, and preliminary estimation of recoverable phosphate in size fractions of sediment samples from Drillholes GAT-90, Tybee Island, and Gas-90-2, Skidaway Island, Georgia: U.S. Geological Survey Open File- Report 91-586, 35 p.
- Popenoe. P., and Manheim, F.T., 1991, Phosphorite deposits of the Blake Plateau as observed from the NR-I Submarine and Delta submersible: U.S. Geological Survey Research on Mineral Resources1991, USGS Circular 1061, p. 61-63.
- Manheim, F.T., and Hathaway, J.C., 1991, Polluted sediments in Boston Harbor- Massachusetts Bay; progress report on the Boston Harbor data management file: U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report 91-331,27p.
- Manheim, F.T., 1990,Potential saltwater intrusion into freshwater aquifers during exploration for and mining of phosphorite off the Southeastern United States: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1032, p. 161-162.
- Commeau, I.A., and Manheim F.T.,1989, Chemical Analysis. In Manheim, F.T. (ed.),1989, Phosphorite potential in the continental shelf of Georgia: Results of the T ACTS Core Studies: U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report 89-559, p. 50-53.
- Manheim, F.T., Huddlestun, P.F., and DaSilva, J.L., 1989, in Manheim, F.T. (ed.), 1989, Phosphorite potential in the continental shelf of Georgia: Results of the T ACTS Core Studies: U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report 89-559, p. 25-49.
- Manheim, F.T. and Herring, J.R, 1989, Localized core background data in Manheim F.T. (ed.),1989, Phosphorite potential in the continental shelf of Georgia: Results of the TACTS Core Studies: U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report 89-559, p. 4-24.
- Manheim, F.T. (ed.), 1989, Phosphorite potential in the continental shelf of Georgia: Results of the TACTS Core Studies: U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report 89-559, 64 p.
- Manheim, F.T. and Lane-Bostwick, C.M. (Eds.). 1989, Chemical composition of ferromanganese crusts in the world ocean: a review and comprehensive database: U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report 89-020, 470 p.
- Manheim, F.T., and Lane-Bostwick, C.M., 1988, Cobalt in ferromanganese crusts as a monitor of hydrothermal discharge on the Pacific sea floor: Nature,v. 335, p. 59-63.
- Riggs, S.R., and Manheim, F.T ,1988, Mineral Resources of the U.S. Atlantic continental margin, Chapter 25 in Sheridan, R.E., and Grow, J.A., eds., The Geology of North America, v. 1-2, p. 501-520.
- Manheim, F.T., and Vine, A., 1987, Options for radioactive and other wastesiting within the new U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Tech. Report, WHOI-87-12, 16 p.
- Manheim, F.T., and Vine, A., 1986, E.E.Z. may have waste-disposal options: Geotimes, v. 31, p. 8-10.
- Manheim, F.T., 1986, Marine Cobalt Resources: Science magazine, v. 232, p. 600-608 plus cover illustration.
- Lane, C.M., Manheim, F.T., Hathaway, J.C., and Ling, T.H., 1986, Station maps of the world ocean ferromanganese-crust data base: U.S. Geological SurveyMap-File Report Map MS 1862, scale1:30 million at Equator (Mercator).
- Hein, J.R., Manheim, F.T. , Schwab, W.C., and Clague, D.A, 1986, Cobalt-rich ferromanganese crusts from the Central Pacific: Proc. of the Offshore Technology Conf., Richardson Texas, OTC paper 5234, p. 119-126.
- Dillon, W.P., Manheim, F.T., Jansa, L.F., Palmason, G., Tucholke, B.E., and Landrum, R.S.,1986, Resource potential of the western North Atlantic Basin, In Vogt, P.R., Landrum, M., and Tucholke, B.E. (eds.), The Western North Atlantic Region: Geology of North America, vol. M, p. 661-676.
- Manheim, F.T., and Hein, J.R., 1986, Ferromanganese crusts, in Proc. Exclusive Economic Zone Symposium: Exploring the New Ocean Frontier, U.S. Dept, of Interior and U.S. Dept, of Commerce, Washington, D.C, p. 79-95.
- Manheim, F.T., Peck, E.E., and Lane, C.M.,1985, Determinations of interstitial chloride in shales and consolidated rocks by a precision leaching technique: Journal of Petroleum Technology, v. 25, p. 704-710.
- Hein, J.R., Manheim, F.T. Schwab, W.C., Davis, AS., Daniel, C.L., Bouse, R.M., Morgenson, L.A, Sliney, R.E., Clague, D., Tate, G.B., and Cacchione, D.A, 1985, Geological and geochemical data for seamounts and associated ferromanganese crusts in and near the Hawaiian, Johnson Island and Palmyra Island Exclusive Economic Zones: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 85-292, 129 p.
- Hein, J.R., Manheim, F.T., Schwab, W.C., and Davis, AS., 1985, Geology of cobalt-rich ferromanganese crusts from Necker Ridge and seamounts in the Line Islands: Marine Geology, v. 69, p. 25-54.
- Commeau, R.F., Commeau, J.A, Brown, F.W., and Manheim, F.T., 1985, Energy dispersive X-ray analysis of ocean ferromanganese crusts using conventional ZAF corrections: Scanning Electron Microscopy, 1985/1, p. 143-149.
- Poppe, L.J., Commeau, R.F., Commeau, J.A., Manheim, F.T., and Aruscavage, P.J., 1984, Ferromanganese micronodules from the surficial sediments of Georges Bank: J. Mar. Res., v. 42, p. 463-972.
- Popenoe, P., Kohout, EA, and Manheim, F.T., 1984, Seismic reference studies of sinkholes and limestone dissolution features on the northeastern Florida shelf, in Beck, B.E (ed.), Sinkholes -Their geology engineering and environmental impact: Proc. of the 15t multidisciplinary conference on sinkholes, Orlando Florida, Rotterdam, AA Balkema, 42- 57.
- Manheim, F.T., Poppe, L.J., Booth, J.S., Dahl, A.G., McElroy, D.K., and Lane, C.M., 1984, Analysis of core samples from ground water boreholes in Rhode Island U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 84-085, 26 p
- Manheim, F.T., and Gieskes, J.M., 1984, Interstitial water methods, In Heath, G.R. ed., Sedimentology, physical properties and geochemistry in The Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, v. 1-49, World Data Center A for Marine Geology and Geophysics, p. 163-176.
- Haibach, P., Puteanus, D., and Manheim, F.T., 1984, Platinum concentrations in ferromanganese seamount crusts from the Central Pacific: Naturwissenschaften, v. 73, p. 577-579.
- Haibach, P., and Manheim, F.T., 1984, Potential of cobalt and other metals in ferromanganese crusts on seamounts of the central Pacific basin: Marine Mining, v. 4, p. 319-336.
- Commeau, R.F., Clark, A., Johnson, c., Manheim, F.T , Aruscavage, P.J., and Lane, C.M., 1984, Ferromanganese crust resources in the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans: Proc. Oceans '84, p. 421-430.
- Manheim, F.T., Ling, T.H., and Lane, C.M., 1983, An extensive database for cobalt-rich ferromanganese crusts from the world oceans: Proceedings, Oceans 1983, p. 828-831.
- Manheim, F.T., 1983,Who is doing what in marine dumping? In Duedall, I., and Ketchum, B., Park, K., and Kester, D. (eds.), Wastes in the Ocean: New York, Academic Press, v. I, p. 47-65.
- Manheim, F.T., Popenoe, P., Siapno, W., and Lane, C., 1982, Manganese-phosphorite deposits of the Blake Plateau (Western North-Atlantic Ocean), In Haibach, P., and Winter, P. (eds.), Marine Mineral Deposits - New Research Results and Economic Prospects: Essen, Verlag Gluckauf, p. 944.
- Haibach, P. Manheim, F'T and Otten, P., 1982 Co-rich ferromanganese deposits in the marginal seamount regions of the Central Pacific Basin, results of the Midpac 1981: Erzmetall, v. 35, p. 447.
- Manheim, F.T., 1982, Geochemistry of manganese carbonates in the BalticSea: Stockholm Contributions in Geology, v. 37, p. 145-159.
- Manheim, F.T. 1982, the geochemistry of manganese carbonates in the Baltic Sea: Stockholm Contributions in Geology, Symposium Vol. 2, (in Honor of Prof. Ivar Hessland) p. 145-159.
- Bingman, W.D., Manheim, F.T. (moderator), and others, 1982, Panel discussion on measurement while coring, in Technologies for measurement while drilling, National Academy Press Symposium Proceedings, p. 157-176.
- Kriukov, P.A., and Manheim, F.T.,1982, Extraction and investigative techniques for study of interstitial waters of unconsolidated sediments; a brief review, in Fanning, K.A., and Manheim, F.T. (eds.), Dynamic environment of the ocean floor: D.C. Heath, Lexington. MA, p. 3-26.
- Fanning, K.A., Manheim, F.T., and (005.),1982, Dynamic environment of the ocean floor: D.C. Heath Co., Lexington, MA, 502 p.
- Connor, M., and Manheim, F.T., 1982, World geoscience literature and translation, Kidd, C.M. Second international conference on geological information; proceedings. Oklahoma Geological Survey, Special Publication, v. 2, p. 404-409.
- Bowker, P.C., and Manheim, F.T., 1982, Analysis of barium and strontium in sediments by dc plasma emission spectrometry: Applied Spectroscopy, v. 36, (4), p. 378.
- Manheim, F.T., and Pauli, c., 1981, Hydrochemistry of formation fluids in onshore and offshore strata in the southeast Georgia Embayment, Developments in SE Coastal Plain Geology: 2nd Symposium on Petroleum Geology of Georgia Coastal Plain; incomplete.
- Manheim, E.T., and Paul, C.K., 1981, Patterns of groundwater salinity changes in deep continental oceanic transect off the southeastern Atlantic coast of the U.S.A: Journal of Hydrology, v. 54, p.95-105.
- Manheim, F.T., and Hess, H.D.,1981, Hard mineral resources around the US continental margin, Proceedings Off- shore Technology Conference. Thirteenth annual offshore technology conference, (Vol. 4), p. 129-138, Houston, TX, May 4-7, 1981.
- Manheim, F.T., and Commeau, J., 1981, Chemical Analysis, Trace Analysis, Ch. 5 in Poppe, L, editor, Data file of the Atlantic Marine Coring Project(AMCOR) of the U.S. Geological Survey: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 81-239.
- Commeau, J., and Manheim, F.T., 1981, Chemical Analysis, Major elements, Ch. 4 in Poppe, L, editor, Data file of the Atlantic Margin Coring Program (AMCOR) of the U.S. Geological Survey: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 81-239.
- Manheim, F.T., Pratt, RM., and McFarlin, P.F., 1980, Composition and origin of phosphorite deposits on the Blake Plateau: in Bentor, Y. (ed.), Marine Phosphorites, Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists Special Publication, v. 29, p. 117-137.
- Eggimann, D.W., Manheim, F.T., and Betzer, P.R, 1980, Dissolution and analysis of amorphous silica in marine sediments: J. Sediment. Petrol, v. 50, p. 215-225.
- Bowker, P.C., and Manheim, F.T.,1980, Analysis of barium in sediments: Applied Spectroscopy, v. 36:4, July 1982, pp.378-382.
- Hathaway, J.C., Poag, C.W., Valentine, P.C., Miller, RE., Schultz, D.M., and Manheim, F.T.. Bothner, M.H., Sangrey, D.A., 1979, U.S. Geological Survey core drilling on the Atlantic Shelf: Science, 206, p. 515-527.
- Manheim, F.T. and Gulbrandsen, R.A., 1979, Marine phosphorites, Chapter 5 in Burns, R.G. (ed.): Reviews in Mineralogy, Mineralogical Society of America, v. 6, p. 151-174.
- Manheim, F.T., 1979, Origin of the Blake Plateau phosphorites, in Burnett, W.C., and Sheldon, R.P.,(eds.), Report on the marine phosphatic sediments workshop: Hawaii, East-West Center. Honolulu, Hawaii, p. 14-15:
- Manheim, F.T., 1979, Potential hard minerals and associated resources on the Atlantic and Gulf continental margins, Phase II Task Force Report on Offshore Hard Minerals: U.S. Department of Interior Open-File Report, 46 p., 6 maps.
- Manheim, F.T., and Schug, D.M., 1978, Interstitial Waters of Black Sea Cores, in Degens, E.T., and Ross, D.A., (eds.), Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, v. 42 (part 2), p. 637-651.
- Manheim, F.T., and Landergren, S., 1978, Molybdenum, in Wedepohl, K.H., ed., Handbook of Geochemistry: Berlin, New York, Springer Verlag, v. 2 (3), p. 87.
- Manheim, F.T., 1978, Electrical Resistivity Measurements of Sediments from the Black Sea as a guide to Diffusive Properties: in Usher, J.L., and Supko, P., eds. Initial Reports of the DSDP, Vol. XLII, Part 2, Peter Supko, eds., 1975, p. 1125-1130.
- Manheim, F.T., Bothner, M.H., and Kohout, E.A., 1977, Geochemical aspects of pore fluids from U.S.G.S. drill holes on the Atlantic continental shelf: Geological Society of America, 90111 Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, Nov. 7-9, 1977, v. 9, p. 1084.
- Hathaway, J.C., Schlee, J.S., Poag, C.W., Valentine, P.C., Weed, E.G.A., Bothner, M.H., Kohout, EA., and Manheim, F.T. , Schoen, R., Miller, R.E. and Schultz, D.M., 1976, Preliminary Summary of the 1976 Atlantic Margin Coring Project of the U.S. Geological Survey: Geological Survey Open-File Report 76-844, 217 p.
- Manheim, F.T., Hathaway, J.C., Flanagan, F.J., and Fletcher, J.P., 1976, Marine Mud, MAG-1, from the Gulf of Maine: in Flanagan, F.J. (ed.): Description and analyses of eight new U.S. Geological Survey rock standards: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 840, p. 25-28.
- Manheim, F.T., and Hall, R.E., 1976, Deep evaporitic strata off New York and New Jersey- evidence from interstitial water chemistry of drill cores: U.S. Geological Survey Journal of Research, v. 4, p. 697-702.
- Manheim, F.T., and Sayles, F.L., 1976, Interstitial waters of marine sediments, Ch. 10, in Riley, J.P., and Chester, R., (Eds.), Chemical Oceanography: London, New York, Academic Press, v. 6, p. 115-186.
- Manheim, F.T., 1976,Hydrochemistry of deep thermal brines in Florida, Fla.-Sci.39 (Supplement 1), 40th Ann. mtg. Fla. Acad. Sei, program issue, p. 26.
- Ross, D.A., Whitmarsh, R.B., Ali, S.A., Bourdieaux, J.E., and Coleman, Robert, Fleisher, R.L., Girdler, Ron, Manheim, F.T., Matter, Albert, Nigrini, Kathy, Stoffers, Peter, Supko, P.R., 1975, Red Sea Drillings: Science, v. 179, p. 377-380.
- Meade, Robert H., Sachs, Peter L, Manheim F T , Hathaway, John C. and Spencer, Derek, W., 1975,Sources of suspended matter in waters of the middle Atlantic bight: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 45, p. 171-188.
- Manheim, F.T., Rowe, G.T., and Jipa, D., 1975, Marine phosphorite formation along the Peru Margin: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 243-251.
- Sayles, F.L., and Manheim,, FT. 1975, Interstitial solutions and diagenesis in deeply buried marine sediments - Results from the Deep Sea Drilling Project: Geochimica et Cosmochimica, Acta, v. 39 (2), p. 103-127.
- Foose, R.M., and Manheim F.T., 1975, Geology of Bulgaria: A Review: The American Association of Petroleum Geologist Bulletin, v. 59, p. 303-335.
- Manheim, F.T., 1975,Electrical Resistivity Measurements of Sediments from the Black Sea as a guide to Diffusive Properties, in Usher, J.L., and Supko, P. (Eds.), Initial Reports of the DSDP, Vol. 42, Part 2, p. 1125-1130.
- Manheim, F.T., 1975, The Scientific Referee: IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication, v. PC-18, p. 190-195.
- Manheim, F.T., 1975, Geological and geochemical significance of Red Sea evaporites: Offshore Technology Conference, Houston TX, OTC Paper 239, p. 545-548; plus figures.
- Manheim, F.T., 1975, A proper balance - basic and applied science: EOS [Transactions, American Geophysical Union], v. 56, No.5, p. 274.
- Manheim, F.T., Dwight, Linda, and Belastock, Rebecca A., 1974, Porosity, density, grain density, and related physical properties of sediments from the Red Sea drill cores, in Whitmarsh, R.B. and Ross, D.A. (eds.): Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, v. 42, part 2, p. 887-907.
- Manheim, F.T., Waterman, L.S., Woo, C.C., and Sayles, F.L., 1974, Interstitial water studies on small core samples, Leg 23 (Red Sea), Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, Vol. 2323, part 2, p. 955-968.
- Manheim, F.T., and Siems, D.E., 1974, Chemical analyses of Red Sea sediments, in Whitmarsh, R.B.,(ed.), Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, v. 23, p. 923-938.
- Manheim, F.T., and Sayles, FL, 1974, Composition and origin of interstitial waters of marine sediments, based on deep-sea drill cores, in Goldberg, E.D. (ed.), The Sea: Marine Chemistry, v. 5, p. 527-568.
- Manheim, F.T., and Chan, K.M., 1974, Interstitial waters of Black Sea sediments - new data and review, in E.T. Degens and D.A. Ross, (eds.), The Black Sea - Geology, Chemistry, and Biology: American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Memoir 20, p.155-180.
- Manheim, F.T., and Waterman, L.S., 1974, Diffusimetry (Diffusion Constant Estimation) on Sediment Cores by Resistivity Probe, in von der Borch, C.C. (ed.):Initial Reports of the Deep sea Drilling Project, v. 23, part I, p.663-670.
- Manheim, F.T., 1974,Red Sea Geochemistry, in Whitmarsh, R.B. and Ross, D.A. (eds.): Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, Volume 23, Washington, U.S. Government Printing Office: p. 975-998.
- Manheim, F.T., Waterman, L.S., and Sayles, FL., 1974, Interstitial water studies on small core samples, Leg 22, in von der Borch, C.C. and Sclater, J.G. (eds.): Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, v. 22, p. 657-662.
- Manheim, F.T., 1974, Comparative studies on extraction of sediment interstitial waters: Discussion and comment on the current State of Interstitial Water Studies: Clays and Clay Minerals, v. 22, p. 337-343.
- Sayles, F.L., Waterman, L.S., and Manheim,, F.T , 1973, Interstitial water studies on small core samples: Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, v. 19, p. 871-874.
- Waterman, L.S., Sayles, F.L., and Manheim, F.T., 1973, Interstitial water studies on small core samples: Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, v. 16, 17, and 18, p. 1001-
- Sayles, F.L., Waterman, L.S., and Manheim,, F T , , 1973, Interstitial water studies on small core samples, in Ryan, W.B.F., and Hsu, K.J. (eds.): Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, v. 13, part 2, p. 801-811.
- Sayles, F.L., Manheim,, FT. and Waterman, L.S., 1973, Interstitial water studies on small core samples; in Heezen, B.C. and MacGregor, I.D., (eds.): Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Program, v.15, p. 783-804; included in Initial reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, covering Leg 20 of the cruises of the drilling vessel Glomar Challenger; Yokohama, Japan to Suva, Fiji September November 1971, La Jolla CA, Scripps Institute of Oceanography.
- Manheim, F.T., Sayles, F.L., and Waterman, L.S., 1973, Interstitial water studies on small core samples: Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, v. 10, p. 615-623.
- Manheim, F.T., 1973, Referees and the publications crisis: EOS (Transactions, American Geophysical Union), v. 54, no. 5, p. 532-537.
- Manheim, F.T., 1973,Red Sea Hot Brine - Metal Deposits: Acta Geologica Academia Scientiarum Hungaricae, Tomus 17, p. 383-389.
- Waterman, L.S., Sayles, F.L., and Manheim,, FT. 1972, Interstitial water studies on small core samples: Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, v. 14, p. 753-761.
- Sayles, F.L., Waterman, L.S., and Manheim,, F T 1972.:Interstitial water studies on small core samples: Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, v. 13, p. 801-811.
- Manheim, F.T., Sayles, F.L., and Waterman, L.S., 1972, Interstitial water studies on small core samples: Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, v. 12, p. 1193-1199.
- Sayles, F.L., Manheim, F.T., and Waterman, L.S., 1972, Interstitial water studies on small core samples: Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, v. 11, p. 997-1007.
- Sayles. F.L., Manheim, F.T., and Waterman, L.S., 1972, Interstitial water studies on small core samples, Leg 9, Deep Sea Drilling Project, in Hays, J.D. and Cook, H.E., (eds.): Initial reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, v. 9, p. 845-855.
- Manheim, F.T., Hathaway, J.C., and Uchupi, E., 1972, Suspended matter in surface waters of the northern Gulf of Mexico: Limnology and Oceanography, v. 17, p. 17-27.
- Manheim, F.T., 1972, Mineral resources off the northeastern coast of the United States: U.S. Geological Survey Circular669, 28 p.
- Manheim, F.T., 1972, Interstitial waters in sediments, in R.W. Fairbridge, (ed.): Encyclopedia of Geochemistry and Environmental Sciences, New York, Van Nostrand Reinhold, 586-589.
- Manheim, F.T., 1972,Foreign literature and translations in earth science: Proceedings, Geoscience Information Symposium, v. 2, p. 11-52.
- Manheim, F.T., and Sayles, FL, 1971, Interstitial .water studies on small core samples, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 8, in Tracey, J. I., Jr., and Sutton, G. H., (eds.):Initial reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project covering Leg 8 of the cruises of the drilling vessel Glomar Challenger, Honolulu, Hawaii to Papeete, Tahiti, October-December, 1969, v. 8, p. 857-869.
- Sayles, FL, and Manheim, F.T., 1971, Interstitial water studies on small core samples, in Winterer, E.L., Riedel, W.R., et al., (eds.): Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, v. 7, Part 2, p. 871-881.
- Manheim, F.T., and Sayles, FL, 1971, Interstitial water studies on small core samples: Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, v. 6, p. 811-821.
- Manheim, F.T., 1971, Chemical analyses, major elements; chemical analyses, minor elements, in Hathaway, J.C. (Ed.): Data File, Continental Margin Program, Atlantic Coast of United States, v. 2, Sample Collection and Analytical Data, WHOI Reference71-15, p. 437-450.
- Sayles, F.L., Manheim, FT. and Chan, K.M., 1970, Interstitial water studies on small core samples: Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, v. 4, p. 401-414.
- Manheim, F.T., Sayles, FL, and Waterman, L.S., 1970, Interstitial water studies on small core samples. Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 10, in Worzel, J. L, Bryant, W., (eds.): Initial reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project; covering Leg 10 of the cruises of the drilling vessel Glomar Challenger, Galveston, Texas to Miami, v.10. p. 615- 623.
- Manheim, F.T. Meade, R.H., and Bond, G.E., 1970, Suspended matter in surface waters of the Atlantic continental margin from Cape Cod to the Florida Keys: Science, v. 167, p. 371-376.
- Manheim, F.T., Chan, K.M., and Sayles, FL, 1970, Interstitial water studies on small core samples: Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, v. 5, p. 501-517.
- Manheim, F.T., Chan, K.M., Kerr, D., and Sunda, W., 1970, interstitial water studies on small core samples: Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, v. 3, p. 663-666.
- Manheim, F.T., and Sayles, F.L., 1970, Brines and interstitial brackish water in drill cores from the deep Gulf of Mexico: Science, v. 170, p. 57-61.
- Manheim, F.T., 1970,the diffusion of ions in unconsolidated sediments: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 9, p. 307-309.
- Mangelsdorf, P.C., Jr., Manheim, F.T., and Gieskes, J.M.M., 1970, Role of gravity, temperature gradients and ion exchange media in the formation of fossil brines: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 54, p. 617-626.
- Manheim, F.T.,, 1970, Geologicheskoye znacheniye kokkolitov v tonkozernistykh karbonatnykh sloyakh postglatsial'nykh osadkov Chernogo morya (in Russian): Litologiya i poleznye iskopaemye, No.6, p. 3-7.
- Bukry, D., Kling, S.A., Manheim, F.T., and Horn, M.K., 1970, Geologic significance of coccoliths in fine-grained carbonate bands of post-glacial Black Sea sediments: Nature, v. 226, p. 156-158.
- Spencer, D.W., and Manheim, F.T., 1969, Ash content and composition of Millipore HA filters, U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper, v. 650-D, p. D288-D290.
- Schlee, J.S., and Manheim, F.T.,1969, Deep Sea Boring: McGraw-Hill Yearbook of Science and Technology, p. 116-118.
- Manheim, F.T., Sayles, F.L., and Friedman, 1, 1969, Interstitial water studies on small core samples, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg I, in Ewing, W. M., Worzel, J.L. (eds.): Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, v. 1. p. 403-410; Orange TXto Hoboken NJ.
- Manheim, F.T., and Bischoff, J.L., 1969, Geochemistry of porewaters from Shell Oil Co. drill holes on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico: Chemical Geology, v. 9, p. 63-82.
- Bischoff, J.L., and Manheim, F.T., 1969, Economic potential of the Red Sea heavy metal deposits, in Degens, E.T., and Ross, D.A, editors: Hot brines and recent heavy metal deposits in the Red Sea: New York, Springer-Verlag, p. 535-541.
- Thompson, G., Manheim, F.T., and Paine, K., 1968,A flexible computer program for evaluation of emission spectrometric data: WHOI Reference 68-26, 91 p.
- Milliman, J.D., and Manheim, F.T.,1968, Observations in deep scattering layers off Cape Hatteras, USA: Deep-Sea Research, v. 15, p. 505-507.
- Manheim, J.D., and Manheim, F.T.,1968, Carbonate encrustation on a nail from a Byzantine wreck: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 38, p. 950-953.
- Manheim, F.T., and Horn, M.K., 1968, Composition of deeper subsurface fluids along the Atlantic continental margin: Southeastern Geology, v. 9, p. 215-236.
- Manheim, F.T., 1968,Disposable syringe techniques for obtaining small quantities of pore water from unconsolidated sediments: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 938, p. 666- 668.
- Milliman, J.D., Manheim FT. and Pratt, R.M., 1967, ALVIN dives on the continental Margin off the Southeastern United States: WHOI Reference 67-80, 64 p.
- Schopf, T.J.M., and Manheim, 1967,Chemical composition of Ectroprocta (Bryozoa): Journal of Paleontology, v. 41, p. 1197-1225; v. 42, p. 858.
- Manheim, F.T., 1967,Radioactivity in the sea (review of radioactivity of aquatic organisms, by G.G. Polikarpov): Science, v. 156, p. 635.
- Manheim, F.T., 1967, Evidence for submarine discharge of water on the Atlantic Continental Slope of the southern United States, and suggestions for further search: New York Academy of Sciences Transactions, Ser. 2, v. 29, p. 839-853.
- Miller, AR., Densmore, D., Degens, E.T., Hathaway, J.C., and Manheim, F.T., McFarlin, P.F., Pocklington, R., and Jokela, A, 1966, Hot brines and recent iron deposits in deeps of the Red Sea: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 30, p. 341-359.
- Manheim, F.T., 1966, A hydraulic squeezer for obtaining interstitial water from consolidated and, unconsolidated sediments: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 550-C, p. 256-261.
- Manheim, F.T., 1966, Soviet books and publications on geological and chemical oceanography, hydrology and other subjects: WHOI Reference p. 66-51, 37.
- Manheim, F.T., 1965, Manganese-iron accumulations in the shallow marine environment, in Schink, D.R., and Corless. J.T., Eds. Symposium on marine geochemistry: University of Rhode Island, Narragansett Marine Laboratory Occasional Publication 3, p.217-276.
- Manheim, F.T., 1965, Beer Can and Milk Bottle Geology: Undersea Technology, v. 6, p. 22.
- Mansson, I., Askling, M., and Manheim, F.T., 1964, Determination of Zinc in pig blood: Acta Chimica. Vet. Scandinavia, v. 5, p. 7-16.
- Manheim, F.T., 1964,Bottom Sediments of Woods Hole Great Harbor-Woods Hole: Oceanographic, Institution, Woods Hole, MA. Ref. #64-38, p. 6.
- Landergren, S., and Manheim, F.T., 1963, Über die Abhängigkeit der Verteilung von Schwermetallenvon der Fazies: Geologie von Rheinland und Westfalen, v. 10, p. 173
- Manheim, F.T., 1961, In situ measurements of Ph and Eh in natural waters and sediments: Acta Univ. Stockholmiensis, Stockholm Contr. Geology, v. 8, p. 27-36.
- Manheim, F.T., 1961,A geochemical profile in the Baltic Sea: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v., 24, p. 52-70.
- Manheim, F.T. 1961, in situ measurements of pH and Eh in natural waters and sediments: Acta Univ. Stockholmiensis, Stockholm Contr. Geology, v. 8, p. 27-36.
- Manheim, F.T., 1961,A geochemical profile in the Baltic Sea: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v.24, p. 52-70.
- Manheim, F.T., 1960, Water determination in sediments and sedimentary rocks: Acta Univ. Stockholmiensis, Stockholm Contributions in Geology, v. 6, p.127-143.
Areas of Research
- U.S. Environmental and Natural Resources Policy
- Comparison of U.S. and European Lawmaking and Environmental Policy
- U.S. Science Policy Since World War II
- U.S. Federal Science and Technology Agencies
- African American Educational History