Adjunct Faculty
Schar School of Policy and Government
Contact Information
Andy Kilianski is an adjunct professor at the Schar School of Government and is currently the senior director for emerging infectious diseases at the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative (IAVI). At IAVI, he leads strategy development, key stakeholder engagement, and current and future execution of IAVI's growing emerging infectious disease vaccine and therapeutic portfolio.
Prior to IAVI, Kilianski was a senior scientist and program manager at the Department of Defense. He has led numerous scientific, analytic, and programmatic efforts to counter emerging threats internationally and within the United States working collaboratively with a variety of government, NGO, and foreign partners. He started his scientific career as a National Academy of Sciences fellow, working as a principal investigator on research programs aimed at characterizing emerging infectious disease threats with next-generation sequencing and multiomics approaches.
Kilianski teaches courses on Emerging Infectious Diseases and Biosurveillance Policy and Implementation in the Biodefense Graduate Program.
He received his PhD in microbiology and immunology from Loyola University Chicago where he discovered virus-host interactions necessary for coronavirus pathogenesis. These virus-host interactions were also leveraged for rational coronavirus vaccine design and antiviral drug development.
Areas of Research
- Virology
- Immunology
- Vaccinology
- Emerging Infectious Diseases
- CBRN Medical Countermeasures
- Biodefense/Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction